Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Goat Sacrifice at Church Sunday -Old Testament Style-

Last Sunday, we went to go to the first church service at Namyoya where we put the roof on this week. It looked great. The church was filled and people were hanging in the windows. The church service was pretty normal until AFTER the service. They wanted to have a goat sacrifice to bless the church roof… Old Testament style!!! (Read Terry Bauer’s blog account of this) I could not believe it.. It’s the only church service where I have witnessed a live sacrifice. This was not any sort of pagan ritual, this was a Christian sacrifice done the Old Testament way.

The goat sacrifice was not easy to watch. The goat did cry out, and there was a lot of blood. It took several minutes for the goat to die. Then, he was hung up by the feet and butchered on the spot, to be eaten by the villagers for lunch. We had another village to visit so Dan could see his sponsored family, so we did not have to stay for the goat feast, or the second church service of the day.

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