The people in Gulu displaced persons camps live in very poor conditions. They live in mud huts with no windows. These camps were temporary, but have become permanent because people's families are dead, they own no land or possessions, and have no job or means of supporting themselves to go back home to... so they stay. Some of the people we spoke to have been there over 9 years.
This is the water that the children are using... Yes, this IS water. There are no bathrooms, running water, electricity. The sanitation conditions are a nightmare. Keeping clean and healthy are near to impossible.
The women living in the displaced person camps of Gulu have very difficult lives. Most were fearful of sharing their stories. The women who did speak with us are NOT pictured here for safety reasons. Many have been raped, beaten, and have had family members killed in the raids by Kony. The camps are the only place left for them, but now that the peace talks have failed, they feel they may be sitting ducks. Some of the women that were raped became pregnant. They were often very young. We saw many of these child mothers. We took them clothes, soap, shoes, snacks and even gave them money, but these are temporary measures of comfort, we know. Interestingly, they asked only for two things.... First, if we could somehow find a way to help them become educated, or trained. And the second was to not forget them.
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